Men Who've Had Their Lives Ruined By The Kardashians

Publish date: 2024-03-31

At the time of this writing, the details of rapper Kanye West's hospitalization remain murky. According to People, police and fire rescue were called on Nov. 21, 2016 because West was behaving erratically. TMZ reported he was "handcuffed to the stretcher because it's protocol when cops are told someone is on a 5150 [psychiatric] hold," but those details have already been denied by West's camp.

Speaking to People, Kanye's reps claim that between his Saint Pablo tour and his fashion line, he was exhausted and sleep deprived, so he went to the hospital "under the advice of his physician." The hospitalization is the capper to a manic week that included West praising Donald Trump's election, calling out Beyoncé and Jay Z for vague reasons, and canceling the remaining dates of his Saint Pablo tour.

In order to properly frame how West went from being heralded as one of hip-hop's true geniuses to being just the ranting lunatic husband of Kim Kardashian, we have to rewind further than recent events. West certainly did enough on his own to contribute to his downfall: the Taylor Swift mic grab, the Matt Lauer feud, begging Mark Zuckerberg for money, etc., but after hooking up with Kim, his insanity seemingly went into hyper-drive. There was his marriage proposal, when he rented out an entire stadium in a gaudy spectacle that would have made Liberace blush. There was the time he bragged on a track about Kim's sex tape with Ray J, an uncomfortable subject she's made efforts to distance herself from. Way back in 2009, long before Kimye became a possibility, there was a big red flag that West was already a goner. According to Kris Jenner, West Photoshopped himself onto the Kardashians' Christmas card and sent it to Kim. Even most stalkers would probably view that as crossing the line. Did the Kardashians ruin West, or was he never truly playing with a full deck?

Did the Kardashians ruin West, or was he never truly playing with a full deck? One thing is clear: the Kardashian connection certainly has not helped West find his footing.
