The Truth Behind Lucid Dreaming And How It Works

Publish date: 2024-04-13

Being able to control your dreams sounds like a cool thing, but at the end of the night, it usually takes a good amount of training. Psychology Today writes that the level of control an individual sleeper has in a lucid dream varies greatly from person to person. The most advanced oneironauts are able to defy physics: They can pass through walls, fly through the dreamscape, or they can control what appears or disappears. However, typical lucid dreamers can usually only control their actions, thoughts, and behaviors, but not necessarily the subject of the dream itself.

Several strategies have been recommended by Psychology Today as to how an individual can reach greater levels of lucidity while dreaming. One way is through the dream body. For example, a dreamer may jump higher and higher until they fly. Another kind is enunciating what you want to happen while in the dream. If that lion is chasing after you in your dreamscape savannah, try shouting, "Stop!" and see what happens. If it keeps coming, maybe it is time to do a reality check. Other types of strategies involve controlling one's emotions and sending positive thoughts to characters within the dream. Still, other strategies involve conjuring dream portals to change the dreamscape. Others visualize things they desire to occur. Do you want Leonardo Dicaprio to pop into your dream soiree? Just will him into existence. As you can see, there are many paths lucid dreamers take to achieve dream control.
