The Most Expensive Things Jeff Bezos Owns

Publish date: 2024-03-20

Jeff Bezos plunked down $42 million on a clock that only ticks once every year, according to Popular Mechanics. Called the 10,000 Year Clock, this monstrosity is so big that the as-yet-unfinished mechanical wonder — designed by inventor and MIT professor Danny Hillis to cuckoo once a millennium — is being worked on in its home, a voluminous space Bezos had carved out of a West Texas mountain. When done, the clock will reportedly "keep time for the next 10,000 years."

This outlandish purchase may seem wacky to mere mortals who likely wonder why anyone would spend millions of dollars on a massive timepiece that doesn't even do its job. Well, apparently, Bezos was the ideal candidate to buy into this particular machine, partially because he took "an early interest in how things work," per Biography. When he was a kid, he even reinvented the family garage by turning the space "into a laboratory." Back then, he would also install "electrical contraptions around his house." 

And so, with that background in mind, Bezos' purchase of this over-the-top clock isn't so far-fetched. "As I see it, humans are now technologically advanced enough that we can create not only extraordinary wonders but also civilization-scale problems," Bezos wrote on his clock's website. It is this thriving entrepreneur's prerogative to buy anything he desires at, um, any time he wishes to do so. 
