Who is Brittany Commisso? Inside the Andrew Cuomo Assault and Harassment Lawsuit

Publish date: 2024-04-07

The Backstory: Commisso’s Allegations and Legal Steps

Commisso, who commenced her role in Cuomo’s office in 2017, courageously came forward with her accusations against the ex-Governor in 2021. During that year, she not only publicly disclosed the alleged incidents but also took the legal route by filing a misdemeanor criminal complaint against Andrew Cuomo.1

In this formal complaint, she accused him of intentionally and forcefully placing his hand under her blouse, engaging in inappropriate physical contact by groping an intimate part of her body.

The NY Adult Survivors Act: Empowering Victims

The legal grounds on which Commisso is basing her lawsuit stem from the NY Adult Survivors Act, a pivotal legislation that aims to empower survivors of s**ual abuse or harassment.2

This act, which came into effect recently, has extended the window of time during which victims can pursue legal action against their perpetrators, breaking free from the constraints of previously set limitations.

Commisso’s Employment Journey: From Service to Legal Action

Commisso’s professional journey with Cuomo began in 2017 when she assumed the role of executive assistant. Over the years, she witnessed and experienced alleged sual harassment, prompting her to take a stand and bring her grievances to light.

The filing of the lawsuit marks a significant transition for Commisso from a position of service to becoming a vocal advocate for justice in the face of sual misconduct.

As Cuomo faces the legal repercussions of Commisso’s allegations, the landscape becomes increasingly complex. The utilization of the NY Adult Survivors Act adds a layer of legal nuance, challenging the conventional boundaries of statute limitations.

This groundbreaking legal maneuver is expected to set a precedent for survivors seeking justice against powerful figures.

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Unraveling the Controversy: Examining Brittany Commisso’s Claims and the Denials

Brittany Commisso, an alumna of the State University of New York at Albany, holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Government, with a minor in business, as reported by the NY Post. With a career spanning nearly a decade in government service, Commisso’s professional journey is noteworthy.

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Early Career Moves

Commisso commenced her career in the Albany County Alternate Public Defender’s Office until late 2017. Subsequently, she transitioned to a role as an executive assistant in then-Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office.

Briefly exploring opportunities in a state agency, she later returned to the Executive Chamber in 2019, securing a position as an administrative assistant.

The Alleged Misconduct Unveiled

According to the Times Union, Commisso’s increased involvement with Governor Cuomo, including assignments at the New York State Executive Mansion, began drawing attention by November 2019. It was during this period that the allegations of misconduct against Governor Cuomo allegedly transpired.

Denials from Andrew Cuomo’s Attorney and Kathy Hochul’s Administration

In response to Brittany Commisso’s claims, both Andrew Cuomo’s attorney and the current administration led by Kathy Hochul vehemently deny any wrongdoing. Let’s delve into the details of these denials.

Cuomo’s attorney categorically refutes the allegations, asserting that the claims lack substantiation and credibility. The defense contends that Commisso’s assertions are baseless and aim to tarnish the reputation of the former governor.

The administration under Kathy Hochul, who assumed office following Cuomo’s resignation, is steadfast in rejecting Commisso’s allegations. Emphasizing a commitment to transparency and accountability, the administration maintains that thorough investigations will be conducted to ascertain the truth.

Commisso’s career trajectory, from her tenure in the Albany County Alternate Public Defender’s Office to her roles in Cuomo’s office, provides context to her connection with the accused.

Commisso’s decision to return to the Executive Chamber in 2019 set the stage for her increased involvement with Governor Cuomo, leading to the alleged misconduct.

Unveiling the Controversy: Brittany Commisso’s Revelations and the Cuomo Allegations

Delving into the intricate web of political and personal turmoil, the marriage of Brittany Commisso to Frank Commisso Jr., a former Albany Common Council member currently associated with the New York State Common Retirement Fund, took a tumultuous turn in 2021.

Today and everyday I’m grateful for our family’s rock, my mom, Matilda Raffa Cuomo. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

And to all the moms across New York: Thank you. #HappyMothersDay pic.twitter.com/y5AngtJh9U

— Andrew Cuomo (@andrewcuomo) May 8, 2022

The Divorce Drama

In 2016, Brittany Commisso tied the knot with Frank Commisso Jr., embarking on a journey that would later be marred by controversy. The year 2021 witnessed the unraveling of their marital bond as accusations against Cuomo surfaced, setting the stage for a messy divorce.

Brittany Commisso’s Testimony

Amidst the storm of allegations, Brittany Commisso stepped into the spotlight during a 2021 interview with Jericka Duncan on CBS Mornings. In this candid conversation, she detailed two unsettling incidents where Cuomo allegedly crossed boundaries—first in December 2019 and then again in November 2020.

Allegations Unveiled

Commisso, in her revelation to Jericka Duncan, expressed reluctance in making her complaints public. Her hesitance stemmed from a genuine fear for her daughter’s well-being. The emotional toll of the situation weighed heavily on her, prompting her to keep the alleged incidents private.

In response to these serious allegations, Andrew Cuomo vehemently denied any wrongdoing. He refuted Commisso’s claims of s**ual harassment, echoing similar sentiments from other women who had come forward. Cuomo maintained that his conduct had never veered into inappropriate territory, asserting innocence in his interactions with everyone.

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Unlocking the Legacy: Andrew Cuomo’s Impactful Political Journey

Andrew Cuomo, born on December 6, 1957, in New York, U.S., is a distinguished American politician and attorney, leaving an indelible mark on the political landscape.

Early Engagements: From Queens to Albany

Cuomo’s political journey commenced during his teenage years in Queens, New York, where he actively participated in his father’s Democratic campaign for state office.

His commitment was evident as he posted campaign posters, showcasing his early dedication to the world of politics. Notably, his father, Mario Cuomo, served as the governor of New York from 1983 to 1995.

Educational Foundations and Political Ascension

In 1979, Cuomo graduated from Fordham University, a pivotal moment aligning with his father’s rise to the position of New York lieutenant governor. Following this, he pursued a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree at Albany Law School, completing his studies in 1982.

Andrew Cuomo’s trajectory in politics took a significant turn as he spearheaded the campaign that secured his father’s governorship from 1983 to 1995.

Serving the Nation: Cuomo’s Tenure as HUD Secretary

Navigating the Early Political Landscape: Andrew Cuomo’s Formative Years

In the intricate tapestry of Andrew Cuomo’s political journey, his early career emerges as a pivotal chapter that laid the foundation for his later accomplishments.

Campaign Dynamo: Managing Triumph in 1982

In the throes of his father’s triumphant 1982 gubernatorial campaign, Cuomo assumed the role of campaign manager. This strategic position allowed him to orchestrate a successful political venture, showcasing his prowess in steering campaigns towards victory.

Albany Chronicles: Advisor and Roommate

Post the victorious campaign, Cuomo seamlessly transitioned into the governor’s inner circle. Serving as a policy advisor, he also found himself sharing Albany quarters with his father, creating a unique dynamic.

Within his father’s administration, Andrew Cuomo earned the moniker of “the enforcer.” In a political rendition of the good cop/bad cop dynamic, he complemented his father’s “nice guy” persona. This strategic collaboration aimed at propelling his father’s legislative agenda to new heights.

Shaping Legislative Landscapes

Cuomo’s role as the “enforcer” was integral to shaping legislative landscapes. His adeptness at navigating the complexities of political negotiations became a linchpin in advancing his father’s agenda. This partnership forged a formidable alliance, making strides in policy implementation.

While sharing Albany quarters, the father-son duo cultivated a unique camaraderie. Cuomo’s role transcended policy advising; he became an Albany roommate, adding a personal dimension to the professional collaboration.

These early experiences not only molded Andrew Cuomo’s political acumen but also set the stage for a lasting legacy. The intricate interplay of roles, from campaign architect to legislative enforcer, laid the groundwork for his future contributions to the political landscape.


Q1: Who is Brittany Commisso, and what is her connection to the Andrew Cuomo lawsuit?

Ans: Brittany Commisso is a former executive assistant to Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York. She came into the public eye as one of the accusers in the sexual harassment and assault lawsuit against Cuomo. Commisso alleges inappropriate behavior and actions by Cuomo during her employment.

Q2: What are the specific allegations made by Brittany Commisso in the lawsuit against Andrew Cuomo?

Ans: Brittany Commisso accuses Andrew Cuomo of engaging in unwanted and inappropriate behavior, including instances of sexual harassment and assault. She detailed these allegations in her legal complaint, shedding light on specific incidents that allegedly occurred during her time working with the governor.

Q3: When did Brittany Commisso file the lawsuit, and what is the current status of the legal proceedings?

Ans: Brittany Commisso filed the lawsuit against Andrew Cuomo on [date]. As of the latest update, the legal proceedings are ongoing, and the case is being investigated and litigated through the appropriate legal channels.

Q4: Has Brittany Commisso provided any evidence to support her claims in the lawsuit?

Ans: Yes, Brittany Commisso has reportedly provided evidence to support her allegations against Andrew Cuomo. This evidence may include documents, text messages, or other forms of documentation that could substantiate her claims. The court will evaluate the evidence as part of the legal process.

Q5: How has the public and media responded to Brittany Commisso’s accusations against Andrew Cuomo?

Ans: The public and media response to Brittany Commisso’s accusations has been varied. While some have expressed support for her and the importance of addressing workplace misconduct, others await the legal process for a thorough examination of the allegations. The case has sparked discussions about workplace culture and the treatment of women in positions of power.

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