Who is Robert Rushing? All about Toya Johnson's husband as Lil Wayne's ex gets married in Cabo San L

Publish date: 2024-04-04

On October 15, 2022, Toya Johnson married Robert “Red” Rushing at a wedding ceremony in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur. The event was attended by their close friends and family members. Notable names in the guest list included Tiny Harris, Yandy Smith, Monyetta Shaw, and more.

The next day, October 16, Johnson posted a few pictures from her wedding, with a caption that read:

“Finally got my fairy-tale ending.”

A former athlete, Robert “Red” Rushing currently works as a sports manager in Atlanta. He met Toya Johnson through a mutual friend in 2016, and the two have been together ever since.

A few hours before the wedding, Rushing wrote a message for Johnson on Instagram. The message read:

“2016 where it all started, now we here. Mrs Rushing Let’s Do It!!! #RushingDownTheAisle”

Johnson replied in the comments section by saying that she is "ready to be his wife."

Everything known about Toya Johnson’s husband

Rushing was born and raised in Fort Gaines, Georgia, and is currently a resident of Los Angeles, California.

Besides being a sports manager, he has his own clothing line called 2 Commas. As per FACTSBIO, Rushing is also the owner of a travel and lifestyle service known as Rush Travel Group.

Robert Rushing is a former athlete and sports manager (Image via mrrushlife/Instagram)

As a sports manager, he has represented players like Tristan Thompson and Dwight Howard.

His apparel line, 2 Commas, was inspired by his aim of becoming a millionaire. The clothing line produces hoodies, T-shirts, accessories, and footwear.

His travel company, Rush Travel Group, aims to make traveling easy for athletes by managing the activities following the booking of their trips. However, it seems like the company is no longer operational.

In 2019, Rushing launched a health and fitness company called Weight No More (WNM) with his wife Toya Johnson. Besides selling athletic wear and fitness products on their website, WNM hosts many fitness events in various states across the US.

Besides WNM, Toya Johnson also announced the creation of Wealth America Group in 2019, which would provide services like credit repair, personal and business funding, personal business consulting, and more. However, the group's Instagram page has remained dormant since July 2019 and the project is probably under development.

Toya Johnson and Robert Rushing's relationship timeline

Earlier this month, Robert Rushing and Toya Johnson appeared on the Big Facts podcast. Here, Rushing opened up about the beginning of his relationship with Toya. He recalled how they met through a mutual friend in Las Vegas and started dating in 2017.

Speaking about an experience that brought them closer, Rushing said:

“When she lost her brothers…’cause we were just kicking it. It’s cool, I like her. You know getting to know each other. But when she went through that, just being there with her and the time we spent after that, that’s when I was like, ‘That’s the one.’”

Toya also spoke about the time when Robert entered her life, stating that she was having a hard time after losing two brothers and Robert stepped in immediately, ensuring that she was busy with traveling and other things. She added that Rushing’s family-oriented values are something that she liked about him.

In 2018, the couple welcomed a daughter called Reign. Rushing proposed the Toya in November 2019.

The duo tied the knot in front of friends and family on Saturday, October 15. Toya has previously been married twice. Her first marriage to Lil Wayne lasted from 2004 to 2006. In 2011, she wedded Memphiz Wright, but the couple separated in 2015.

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